The most important takeaway from this blog |
I am not really
sure how to start this blog, I want to be as honest as possible, but
emotionally I might find that a little tough. My favourite quote at the moment,
is a micky take from a Desiree song, ‘life, oh life’ because life is funny,
fickle and yet fantastic. However, I do have a strong belief that the people
around you dictate whether life is fun, fickle or fantastic. The people around
you enable you to stay true to yourself and be the best you can be, a bit like
in my previous blog where I said ultimately your partner should bring out the
best in you, the same can be said of your friends, colleagues and basically
anyone you choose to associate yourself with.
A very simple piece
of advice on the face of it, but how do you identify that in others? Also, how
do you find the strength, courage and independence to stay true to finding in
others everything you wish to be? Loneliness can be misleading as can low
self-esteem, which we can all suffer from time to time. We can chase the wrong
things, start ‘acting’ out and ultimately causing yourself some serious mental
damage as you clash and clatter with your core values.
Living against the
grain of who you are is not healthy and focusing on first world material
objects causes a tumultuous tirade of negative thoughts. We are naturally hard
wired to be kind, that’s how societies were developed and that’s why we have
the word ‘culture’, we came together to work together to feed each other, to
shelter each other, clothe each other and protect each other. It is the core of
what makes us happy and what helps make us resilient. Yet, as a first world we are
losing this, notice I stated ‘first world’.
We focus on the
negative, we allow a small moment in our day, a tiny molecule of our life to
ruin a week… a month or even a year. We focus and obsess over it, I am not
criticising this (hence the we)… It’s a first world problem we have
created by focusing on the wrong things. The promotion, the new car, the new
house, the new iPad, the amazing body... and even when we achieve it, it is not
enough and it creates anxiety and depression. We have created, as a society,
our own plethora of mental health issues. We can even be guilty of belittling
our fellow humanoid who is struggling with depression/anxiety by not
acknowledging it is a very real problem. A problem we have created through the
way we live.
Don’t believe me?
There are small villages in third world countries, with no bed, no shelter, no
water… Who have no idea what suicide is! They literally cannot comprehend that
someone would take their own life because they are unhappy, when they are
fighting so hard to survive. They obviously don’t have a bureau of statistics
in these tiny villages, but they estimate 1 in 85 people have a mental illness.
Absorb that fact – no water, no shelter… Not even a bed to sleep in. Now
compare this to Australia, 1 in 4 adolescents have a mental illness and scarily
1 in 7 primary school kids. Absorb that too.
I am not belittling
these issues at all, the reason I am talking about it, is mainly because I have
just been through an episode of my own battle. Do you know what the hardest
thing for me to do was? Admit it. Why? Because of the stigma attached to it. I
functioned, I operated and I got up every day going through the motions – that was
literally what I was doing, I was acting but inside I was falling to pieces and
a darkness descended upon me and there was no escape. I gave myself a very hard
time over this – the self-talk I gave myself was horrible. Which leads to
another thing we do not do anymore – be present – aka meditation, turning off
our thoughts. We are absorbing 50 times more information per day than we were
20 years ago, that is insane and our brains are constantly absorbing,
translating and interpreting what we see and hear. We put ourselves under so
much pressure, yet we would not speak to our friends the way we talk to
ourselves. I would never belittle a mental illness to a friend, and yet I have
to myself in my own head for months!
Think about it…
Years ago, before smart phones… I used to walk to the bus stop and I just
walked... Sometimes I would listen to my Walkman… But I just walked. Imagine
that, totally present and just walking. We don’t really do that anymore, in fact,
how many of you are reading this now as you’re sitting on a train or walking
along? Again, I’m not criticising, I love technology but sometimes we need to
switch off.
We also need to
stop focusing on the negative, stop focusing on what we have materialistically and wanting the
next best thing. We need to be grateful for what we have right now. My darkness
descended from not being where I think I should be and putting pressure on
myself, undue pressure and I lost sight of the usual things I am very happy
with: My friends, my experiences, my music, exercise and laughing - genuine
laughter from genuine human interactions.
Every day we should
stop and think of the following three things:
- What was the best thing that happened to me today?
- Who am I most grateful for today and why?
- What am I looking forward to most about tomorrow?
I am just passing
this on from a presentation I attended called The Resilience Project, you
should look it up. If you can get your work, school or a group of you to book
it – you absolutely should. Even if you are currently dancing on air, you never
know when a traumatic event can hit your usual happy state and you need to
mentally be at your most resilient. Hugh van Cuylenburg is an awesome speaker…
I cannot recommend enough.
I am not trying to
be all dancing on air and OTT with isn’t life great, because sometimes it is
genuinely shit. Sometimes life is unfair, but don’t ever, EVER, let that
feeling escalate to the point that you no longer want to experience it.
Because, my goodness, there are some amazing things that suddenly come along
and they literally come from nowhere. When those things happen then you realise
why you were on the path you were, again that is so clichéd but you don’t
realise how true it is until something comes along that blows your socks off.
It is really worth staggering through the tough times, and how you stagger
through is as I explained above, (it has been proved by science with data and
everything.) you need to build your resilience, or a psychological armour if
you will. So to emphasise how you do this – gratitude: ask those three
questions listed above every day, mindfulness: meditate and stop your negative
self-talk, and finally, empathy: do something nice for someone else – think of
other people.
I say this quite
often to my friends, because I want there to be absolutely no doubt in their
minds that I don’t care how trivial they think something is: if it is 3am in
the morning and they need someone, then they call me. No problem is too small,
any problem should be shared and you should always feel like you can call. All
of your friends would say that to you, always remember that and never feel
alone. It's ok to say you're not ok.
by Corina Hawkins, soon to be author.
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